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Thermoset compression moulding and injection moulding

Our thermoset processing

Expertise in thermoset processing

We are specialists in thermoset compression moulding and thermoset injection moulding. Thermoset injection moulding for unit weights from 0.1 g to 150 g, thermoset compression moulding for unit weights from 5 to 4000 g and compression moulding of hybrid parts from 50 to 1000 g within the narrowest tolerance range.

Thanks to new investments for thermoset items in the injection moulding division, with a state-of-the-art continuous deburring system, our customers benefit from cost-optimised opportunities for producing thermoset parts in large series.

We are technologically well positioned for the injection moulding and compression moulding of thermoset parts.

  • Thermoset injection moulding for unit weights from 0.1 to 150 g

  • Thermoset compression moulding for unit weights from 5 to 4000 g

  • Compression moulding of hybrid parts from 50 to 1000 g

within the narrowest tolerance range.


Our machine park includes
5 Compression moulds for thermoset parts
(500 kN to4000 kN) and
4 Injection moulding machines for thermoset parts
(500 kN)


Thermoset parts for a wide variety of applications



Thermoset; strong material that offers lots of advantages

Thermoset plastic is characterised by the following properties

  • High mechanical chemical and thermal resistance

  • Low susceptibility to default

  • Excellent electrical insulation

  • High chemical resistance

  • Low specific gravity

Thermoset put to the test

Declared time and again to be finished as "long outdated and superseded", the traditional material of thermoset is surprisingly versatile. This is primarily due to the advantageous properties of the material.

For example, it is used in the electronics industry, where non-conductive properties are important, and in the transport industry, where heat resistance and high stability are of particular significance.

Thermose parts

Thermoset parts for rail vehicles

These parts needs to withstand high temperatures and high pressures

Duroplastteile gespritzt und gepresst

Injection-moulded and compression-moulded thermoset parts

Extremely resilient thermoset parts


Injection moulding and compression moulding

Thanks to new investments for thermoset parts in the injection moulding division, with a state-of-the-art continuous deburring system, our customers benefit from cost-optimised opportunities for producing thermoset parts in large series.

Whether you need thermoset injection moulding or thermoset compression moulding, we are your partner.

Production of thermoset parts

Our production department for thermoset parts uses efficient production systems.

We use a modern, powerful blast machine for deburring the thermoset parts.


Production of thermoset parts



Machine park for thermoset processing

We have an extremely powerful machine park in our thermoset injection moulding and compression moulding division.

  • 5 Compression moulds for thermoset parts (500 kN to 4000 kN)

  • 4 Injection moulding machines for thermoset (500 kN)

  • Various deburring systems

We use automatic blast machines to deburr the thermoset parts.

Take a look at our powerful machine park

Follow us

Brac-Werke AG

Passwangstrasse 35
4226 Breitenbach/SO
Tel. +41 61 785 30 00
Fax +41 61 785 30 30
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